
Warren Johnson

I have been thinking a lot about this guy lately. This is my grandpa and grandma Johnson. My grandpa has been battling with cancer for the second time in his life. When I talk to him, he tells me that when he is all over with this "cancer crap" he is going to go up to his property out in the middle of nowhere and live there. This is a man who never has missed a day of work in his life (except for maybe when he was receiving his cancer treatments) to raise his 12 kids. I have so many fun memories of him, crisp dollar bills at every visit, eating fresh garden tomatoes with salt, his prickly beard that he would rub on my face, sunday breakfast at Dees, him wearing his oshkosh overalls (I have never ever seen him wear anything else, even when he is sick, rain or shine, I wonder if he sleeps in them). He has set such a good example throughout my life and taught me many lessons, meaning of hard work, self-sufficiency, keeping your family close, and being true to yourself (he has always said what he thinks and he doesn't change his mind for anyone). Anyway, I love him and hopes he sticks around for a while longer.


Scott Christopherson said...

Is the also the one who said, "You don't wait to buy gold, you buy gold and wait."

Denique said...

Oh, cute!!! Your Dad looks so much like your grandma!! Is that where Teryl and Parker got Warren's name? Or was it just a name Parker liked?

Camille said...

That is so sweet :) I'll keep him in my thoughts